I am sitting in the park of Union Square
I fell the winds,
I hear the sound of birds,the leaves,the sound of cars
I fell the vibration of the metro from unground
I feel my breath
Some dogs walking with owner
Two squirrelsfinding foods beside my foot
Is it different with china?I ask myself.
They are same.
If you say they are different,
Just because your heart have difference.
It is moment I am in New York.
After lunch with Steven,Julia and Cybele,my travel is beginning.
I meet Walter de Maria’s 2 works in 2 different space. Earth Room and the Broken Kilometer.He is a minimalist and land artist based in New York . He had criated many our familiar landart in art history.Faced the works,I nothing say.simple,simple simple……I standed a long time in that place.
Thanks for Steven,Julia,cybele and Julian,they are so kind to me.
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